Bugboy is ready to be wishlisted on Steam!

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  • Bugboy is ready to be wishlisted on Steam!
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Ever since I started making video games in college I dreamed of making a game with it’s very own Steam store page. My main goal has always been crafting amazing experiences that intrigued those who played it. But so many of my favorite gaming experiences started with me checking out the developer’s Steam page and I wanted a slice of that cake. And now I’ve got my own very own slice (I image it would be New York cheesecake.)

This means that Bugboy can now officially be added to your wishlists! Let me tell you a little insider secret, Steam loves wishlists. Whenever a game gets added to a user wishlist it tells the Algorithm that the game is gaining traction before release and will boost the game on when it does release. Neat right? In other words, Bugboy will be recommended to a larger amount of people based on the amount of wishlists it gathers. So consider doing me a personal favor and check out the game on Steam and add it to your wishlist! You can find the game via the below button.

Want to know another interesting thing you can do on Steam pages? Add free game demos. And yes that means a free, playable Bugboy demo is in the works offering a fresh taste of the final representation on the game. The demo will hit Steam in August if we stay on track and besides offering you a taste of the game it will offer me valuable feedback on the development of the game.

That’s it for today! Short and sweet. I’m thinking about experimenting with longer blog posts on a variety of subjects. If that’s something you’d be into either shoot me a message on my socials or subscribe to the Rat Pack Mailing list (signup sheet in the footer) to be included in the upcoming poll. I will also do giveaways through the mailing list so definitely subscribe if you are into cool insect sticker sets.

See you next post!

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