Bugboy persona research

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Thank you for helping me out by filling out this form. This will help me gain a better understanding of what kind of players are possibly interested in playing my game Bugboy, and what makes these players tick. I’ve gathered three personas: The 90’s Nostalgic, The Cozy Gamer and The RPG Fanatic. If a persona speaks to you please fill out the corresponding fields, if it doesn’t then skip all questions until the next persona. Don’t forget to submit the form when you are ready.

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You love to reminisce about the 90’s and experience great deals of nostalgia when faced with 90’s aesthetics in games such as pixel art and Gameboy palettes. Sprites reminiscent of oldschool games and snappy Gameboy sound effects are totally your jam!
Which of these aspects do you associate with the best 90s-style games?
You love nothing more than cozy games where you can fish or gather, you love Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing and other games where you can get in a flow and let your mind wander. Cute aesthetics and an ever increasing amount of rewards is something you find important.
What do you enjoy most about cozy games?
How important is a rewarding progression system (e.g., unlocking new items, growing crops, upgrading your home)?
How important is the narrative to you?
You are obsessed with RPG mechanics and loves nothing more than the power creep. Leveling up units, gathering items and refining strategies to become as powerful as possible and defeat an ever increasingly difficult roster of enemies. All your Pokemon are max level for sure!
What are your favorite types of RPGs? (Select all that apply)
What do you enjoy most about RPGs?
How important is the complexity of the RPG system to you?
How do you feel about grinding in RPGs?

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